IN THE MATTER OF the Patent Act R.S.C. 1985, c. P-4, as amended
AND IN THE MATTER OF sanofi pasteur Limited
(the “Respondent”) and the medicines “Quadracel and Pentacel”
June 14, 2012
Pursuant to the provisions of section 83 of the Patent Act, the Patented Medicine Prices Review Board (the "Board") issued a Notice of Hearing on March 27, 2007 to determine whether sanofi pasteur Limited is selling or has sold the patented medicines Quadracel and Pentacel in any market in Canada at a price that are or were excessive and if so, what order, if any, should be made.
Upon conducting its hearing and in accordance with the Reasons of the Board issued
December 21, 2009, and amended March 1, 2010, and its decision issued June 14, 2012, the Board orders as follows:
1. sanofi pasteur Limited will make a payment to her Majesty the Queen in Right of Canada, by cheque payable to the Receiver General of Canada and forwarded to the Secretary of the Board, in the amount of $2,512,877.74, representing the excess revenues of Pentacel ($1,878,583.20) and Quadracel ($634,294.54), within 30 days of the issuance of the Order, on or before July 16, 2012.
Board Members:
Dr. Brien G. Benoit
Anthony Boardman
Anne Warner La Forest
Board Counsel:
Gordon Cameron
Sylvie Dupont
Secretary of the Board